So, there are various different ways of doing this tag but my spin on it was to just write a list of male characters from random books on my shelves, pop all their names in a teacup (yes, a teacup) and then pulled three names out at time deciding whether to marry, kiss or cliff them.
So here we go,
Round One: Simon (The Mortal Instruments Series), Harry Potter ( know) and Gansey (The Raven Boys) this was a tough one because I am not a huge fan of any of these boys. I am going to have to:
Marry: Simon, but only after he becomes a vampire because before that he is just pathetic
Kiss: Gansey, because he is hot but so annoying (kiss and run....)
Cliff: Harry, sorry Harry but you are so self righteous and a pain in the butt.
Round Two: Jace (The Mortal Instruments Series), Day (The Legend Series) and Gale (The Hunger Games)
Now this one was easy. I will:
Marry: Jace, because he is cool, cheeky, fun, badass and a nice guy underneath it all, what more could you want.
Kiss: Day, because, like Jace, he is pretty badass but a nice guy, a little too nice for me hence why Jace wins first place ;)
Cliff: Gale, and I don't even feel sorry...
Round Three: Aspen (The Selection), Four (The Divergent Series) and Christian (The Vampire Academy Series)
This was another tough choice for me as I like all of these characters.
Marry: Aspen, he is tough and strong and has a lot of ambition, I like that.
Kiss: Christian, his bad boy status and broodiness just makes him hot
Cliff: It kills me to say this but it has to be Four....sorry Four
Round Four: Alex (Delirium), Ben (Slated) and Edward (The Twilight Series)
Too easy.
Marry: Alex, someone who would risk his life for mine - marriage material.
Kiss: Ben, because he is six foot and hot.
Cliff: Edward, so much hate for him.
Round Five: Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter Series), Gabriel (Wither), and Peeta (The Hunger Games)
Marry: Gabriel, because he is lovely but not as pathetic as Peeta.
Kiss: Draco....yes, he is a bad boy and is played by Tom Felton in the movie enough said.
Cliff: Peeta, most painful and pathetic male character, EVER.
Round Six: Liam (The Darkest Minds), Raphael (The Coldest Girl in Coldtown) and Dimitri (The Vampire Academy)
Marry: Liam, because he can move things with his mind; he would be handy to have around.
Kiss: Raphael, weirdly attracted to Raphael, even when he was crazy...
Cliff: Dimitri, far too uptight for my liking and follows the rules way too much.
Round Seven: Ron Weasley (Harry Potter), Maxon (The Selection) and Will (The Infernal Devices Series)
Another no-brainer.
Marry: Will, marry me now, perfect male character.
Kiss: Maxon, cause he is hot.
Cliff: Ron, sorry but he would make a great friend if I didn't have to cliff him.
This tag was a lot of fun. Round three was by far the hardest choice I had to make, can't believe I cliffed Four, so sad. I also learnt that I have terrible taste in men, why do bad boys have to be so darn attractive? Who would you marry, kiss or cliff?