Stacking The Shelves is a meme created by Tynga's Reviews. It is "all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks". If you would like to find out more about this meme click here.
Books I have added to my shelves:
If you read my Top Ten 2014 Bookish Resolutions you will know that I am currently on a book buying ban. are probably wondering why I am posting a January Book Haul. All of these books, apart from one, were bought around Christmas before I had to put myself on a ban to try and curb my spending. I failed miserably with the ban as I bought a book recently while on a trip to Cork. But, hey, don't judge me too harshly as I was feeling under-the-weather and wanted to cheer myself up. Apart from that book, I bought all of the books off The Book Depository, which has discounted books and free shipping worldwide.
So, before I keep rambling here are the books I have bought recently:
If you read my Top Ten 2014 Bookish Resolutions you will know that I am currently on a book buying ban. are probably wondering why I am posting a January Book Haul. All of these books, apart from one, were bought around Christmas before I had to put myself on a ban to try and curb my spending. I failed miserably with the ban as I bought a book recently while on a trip to Cork. But, hey, don't judge me too harshly as I was feeling under-the-weather and wanted to cheer myself up. Apart from that book, I bought all of the books off The Book Depository, which has discounted books and free shipping worldwide.
So, before I keep rambling here are the books I have bought recently:
(All of these images have clickable links which will take you to their Goodreads page.)

Phew. That was a huge amount of books I have hauled. If you have read any of these books, let me know what you thought of them or if you yourself have taken part in this meme please feel free to leave a link in the comments.