So this week's topic for Top Ten Tuesday by the Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In OR (since some of you might not read stuff with different worlds) Top Ten Characters I'd NEVER Want To Trade Places With. So how I decided to do this weeks TTT is to do my Top Five Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In AND my Top Five Characters I'd Never Want To Trade Places with. Now while some of those would probably overlap I decided to not mention the same book twice. They are in order my least favourite world to live in/character to be being number 1. All the pictures have clickable links which will take you to their Goodreads page in case you have not read them yet. I have tried not to spoil any books just in case they are new to you guys. So here we go:

1. Wither by Lauren Destefano: In this dystopian world women die at the age of 20 while men die at the age of 25. Do I need to say more. If I lived in this world I would have died three years ago...AND just to make things worse young girls are kidnapped and sold as polygamous brides in order to bear children as the population is dwindling fast. Ya, not pleasant.
2. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: I don't think I even need to explain this one. Yet another dystopian world, one where you might just be picked to take part in the hunger games with 23 other teenagers, you must, literally, fight to the death. If, you manage to escape the Hunger Games and live in the poorer districts, you will be forced to do back breaking work in the orchards/mines etc and have very little food/possibly no electricity/hot water etc. All in all not a great place to live and so it is a well deserved second worst world to live in.
3. Delirium by Lauren Oliver: Dystopian world number three: Delirium, where everyone over the age of 18 is cured of the disease deliria a.k.a love. The cureds are zombie like people with basically no feelings and go about their life in a regimented uncaring way. The uncureds are completely seperated from the opposite sex, homosexuals are considered unnaturals and touching or any sign of affection is strictly forbidden. Your husband is chosen for you once you become of age and it is your duty to procreate (without love of course). Oh and did I mention that the cure could go wrong and make you crazy?...Not the most ideal world to live in.
4. Legend by Marie Lu: Another dystopian, another big bad government controlling its people. Reasons I wouldn't like to live in this world: ten year olds are murdered if they fail a test of strength and intelligence, the government spreads a plague through its poorest districts and there is a major war going on between the colonies and the Republic of America. Poorer people are treated terribly and food is scarce...but let's go back to the PLAGUE...I would be the one to get it no doubt and that just does not sound appealing to me as it cause death and blindness etc.
5. Slated by Teri Terry: In this (yes, another one) dystopian world, those people under the age of 16, who "commit crimes" are slated, their memories erased and a whole new life created. They do not remember anything including their families and are actually placed with a new family. They wear a levo on their arms which makes them collapse and even die if they get too sad or angry. The main reason I would not like to live in this world is because most of the children who are slated are not in fact criminals. I don't think I would like all my memories to be erased and to be completely removed from my home to live with complete strangers.

1. Ruby Daly from The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken: Ruby spends six years living in a labour camp, terrified of the abilities she possesses. If her specific power was known to those in the camp she would have been killed. She lives in constant fear, not only of those controlling her but even of herself. I would love to have one of the abilities in this story and that's why it didn't make the above list.
2. Juliette Ferrars from Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi: Juliette drains power from people when she touches them and as a result can kill people merely by touching them. While this would be a great defense mechanism, it is not exactly ideal for everyday. Everyone thinks she is a freak and she winds up in an insane asylum. No, thanks.
3. Harry Potter from the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling: Ok, ok...yes, I would love, love, LOVE to live in HP world but, in all fairness, Harry is hunted by the scariest and most powerful wizard of ALL TIME. His parents have been killed by said wizard and several other important people in his life are murdered. Again, not ideal.
4. Jem from The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare: Jem's parents have been killed by a demon and this same demon has caused Jem to rely on a dangerous drug to keep him alive even though it is actually slowly killing him. I would not like to be dying and so I am afraid I would not like to swap places with Jem.
5. Cinder from Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Cinder has suffered severe injuries which has left her a cyborg, with 36% of her body basically robotic. Now some of her abilities are pretty awesome such as her ability to tell when someone is lying but I don't think I would like to be 36% metal. Not only this but she is reviled by her family and society and is forced to work hard all day and her stepmother gets all the money. Poor Cinder has a tough life.
Who would you least like to swap places with and what world would not like to live in? Do let me know in the comments below and if you yourself have taken part in this weeks TTT please feel free to leave a link below :)
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