So this week's topic for Top Ten Tuesday by the Broke and the Bookish is: Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn't Get To. Last year I had these great plans to read all these amazing 2014 releases and lets just say, I did NOT get through very many. I will hopefully make a dent in that pile this year. The list is not at all in order, but, I do explain the books that I am more interested in reading and the ones that I will probably be slow to pick up after loosing interest in them.
(Click on the images to go straight to their Goodreads page to find out more)

1. The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings
This book received so much hype just before it came out and I was so excited about it. I don't know why I never picked it up, I always meant to but then would end up picking a different book instead of it. This has received fairly mixed reviews so I am in no real rush to read it, but I will hopefully get to it at some point.
2. Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
I have to admit that I really enjoy fairy tale re-tellings, an area that I became interested in when I studied Angela Carter's work in Uni (if you like re-tellings check out The Bloody Chamber). This book is a re-telling of Beauty and the Beast and this is another one that received a tonne of hype prior to its publication. I have no real reason why I haven't read this one yet and I will get around to it eventually.
3. Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman
This is another book that have been on the verge of buying many times but keeping putting off. I actually forgot about this book until I reread my post on my Top Ten 2014 Debut releases. This story is set in WWII and I just can't get enough of that time period. I studied history in Uni and this was one of my favourite subjects to learn about, I even went to visit Auschwitz-Birkeneau in Poland. I will hopefully read this book soon as I am still very interested in it.

4. Hexed by Michelle Krys
I love any kind of paranormal book really, witches, werewolves, vampire, ANYTHING. This is a story about witches, which I actually haven't read much of. It appears to be a more witty and fun story while still drama-packed - have to have a bit of action at all times. Someyimes it is a breath of fresh air to read a more "light-hearted" book as I am more used to reading really heavy action-packed books. This is certainly not very high up on my TBR but I still would like to give this one a go.
5. Midnight Thief by Livia Blackbourne:
Female, kick-ass assassin portagonist, need I say more. I really, really wanted to love Throne of Glass because I love assassins and I love the whole medieval type setting. I, however, really did not like that book even a tiny bit so I am really hoping that this book makes up for the disappointment of ToG. I have heard very mixed reviews about this one though and that has made me very wary of picking this one up. This is another one that won't be an immediate read.
6. Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi:
I read the first book in this series (Under the Never Sky) just last year and was very surprised to find that I really enjoyed the book. I do really want to continue on with the series and I have no real excuse for why I haven't read the second book and this one yet but I will certainly be aiming to have them read by the end of the year.

7. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
This book is sitting pretty on my shelf and it is the final book in one of my all time favourite series (The Mortal Instruments) and yet I still have not read it, how? Well, I tried to, and then I got confused, like, really confused and so I thought, hey I will read the book just before this to refresh my memory. Oh but that just caused more confusion as I couldn't remember the book prior to that. So I have realised that I will have to start the whole series again, and this is a big commitment which will have to wait until I complete my Masters degree.
8. Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch:
I am really excited for this one and have been since I heard about it. I am a major fan of fantasy, it is easily my favourite genre but I definitely do not read enough from it. I bought this just a couple of days ago while in Edinburgh so I do hope to read it soon.
9. Fire and Flood by Victoria Scott:
My main interest with this book is that it appears to me to be very similar to the Hunger Games. I haven't heard too much about this, but I have seen it floating around booktube a bit. I have very little expectations for this one as I haven't read any reviews on it, which is how I want to go into reading the book. This wouldn't be on the top of my TBR pile but I do want to get to it before the end of the year.
10. Alienated:
The reason I haven't picked this one up yet is simple: I am worried this is going to be the typical YA book over focused on romance. This one has also received a load of hype so I am intrigued to see what I make of it. The second book has either recently been released or will be soon, I am not certain about the dates, and this piqued my interest in Alienated again.
I could easily pick out more then ten books for this topic as I had a pretty bad year for reading last year. I went through a major reading slump in the summer so that drastically affected how many books I read. This year I want to get to some of those books that I missed out on in 2014 and those ten are just a few. Let me know what releases you didn't get a chance to read down below and, if you have a blog post on this topic, leave a link in the comments and I will only be glad to check it out.
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